Rinaldi, Border IX, with "Dutch Flowers"


Late Ming Kraak Charger, c1635-50, Rinaldi, Border IX, with 'Dutch Flowers' 


Painted in vibrant blues, the large dish with Iznik style flowers (tulips and carnations)
- so called "Dutch Flowers"* (See "Dutch Flowers" below),
the central roundel depicting a vase of carnations, tulips and various flora with three butterflies

and surrounded by a border of floral scrolls, the outer border with eight large panels :
four with Iznik style flowers, and four with figures carrying fish and various goods,
separated by 8 narrow panels of further Iznik (Dutch) flora and small scrolls;
the underside with 7 large well painted floral sections instead of 8,
divided by narrow panels of lingzhi (sacred mushrooms) and bamboo, and one floral


Ref : See Rinaldi, Kraak Porcelain, p. 112-116 for a discussion of Border IX,
and a similar example with figural center, p. 112.


Condition : Normal Kraak rim fritting and glaze wear; one rim hairline. Strong 'chatter marks' showing verso.

Footrim drilled for hanging


12-5/8" Diameter / 2.25" High






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Late Ming Kraak Charger, c1635-50, Rinaldi, Border IX, with 'Dutch Flowers' 


Central roundel with a vase of carnations, tulips and various flora with 3 butterflies, surrounded by a border of floral scrolls, including tulips


Late Ming Kraak Charger, c1635-50, Rinaldi, Border IX, with 'Dutch Flowers', outer border


Outer border with eight large panels : four with Iznik style flowers and figures carrying fish and various goods


Late Ming Kraak Charger, c1635-50, Rinaldi, Border IX, with 'Dutch Flowers' , outer border


Outer border with eight large panels : four with Iznik style flowers and figures carrying various goods


Late Ming Kraak Charger, c1635-50, Rinaldi, Border IX, with 'Dutch Flowers' 


Verso with 7 large well painted tulip sections instead of 8, divided by narrow panels of lingzhi and bamboo and one floral





The so-called *"Dutch Flowers", stylized flowers appearing as "tulips and carnations"

relates to flowers painted on the Iznik wares of the mid-16th century.

Iznik (ancient Nicea, about 16 miles southeast of Istanbul)

had been well known for the most beautiful wares and tiles of the Ottoman period.

Their tiles typically included stylized tulips, carnations and lotus.

quite similar to those depicted on this Ming Kraak porcelain, made for the West.


Tulips are natives of Turkey. In the last quarter of the 16th century

tulips were introduced into Holland.

By the 1630's, tulips had become a tremendous craze,

with people willing to pay exorbitant prices for them –

even causing the world's first financial bubble.

It is also about that time that the stylized tulip and carnation

appeared on Delft and well as Chinese porcelains


A c1635 V.O.C. record has been found requesting a design to be copied.

The Dutch had not previously interfered with the choice of decoration.

It is almost certain that the design requested contained the Iznik (or Dutch) flowers.


Further, a 1639 V.O.C. document from Batavia to Formosa instructed the Dutch merchants

in Formosa to buy wares painted with "Dutch Flowers" :

which included stylized tulips, carnations and other flora.

At this time on Kraak porcelain, flower scrolls began to replace diapering.

Depicting "distance" began to reflect Western methods of perspective,

the illusion implied by proportionately smaller sizes as objects moved back in space.

Also the figures became more active – working, carrying things,

and actively visiting rather than still and contemplating-

all present in this example.




Late Ming Kraak Charger, c1635-50, Rinaldi, Border IX, with 'Dutch Flowers' 




Also See :


Ming / Transitional Figural Kraak Charger, China, 1635-50, Rinaldi, Border IX 


Ming / Transitional Figural Kraak Charger, China, 1635-50, Rinaldi, Border IX 




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Late Ming Kraak Charger, c1635-50, Rinaldi, Border IX, with 'Dutch Flowers' 


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